Tag: retro

2022 Dodge Challenger RT Plus // Start Up, Exhaust, POV, Walkaround, Test Drive and Review

Lets see what the 8 speed automatic transmission 2022 Dodge Challenger RT is all about! Today I check out this 2022 Dodge Challenger RT Plus equipped with the 8 speed auto transmission. I think the auto gives is a smooth driving experience and practicality. The 5.7L Hemi V8 is decently quick, but not necessarily a fast car. But the auto gives it good driver refinements…

The Aids activists who took on big pharma in South Africa – BBC News

In the late 1990s cases of HIV/Aids soared in South Africa. By 1998 almost 3 million people were infected, and Aids was the country’s leading cause of death. Yet anti-retroviral drugs were too expensive for all but the richest South Africans. Activists began a long campaign for the right to import and use cheaper versions of the vital drugs. Please subscribe HERE #SouthAfrica #BBCNews

Une élue pro-Trump confond la Gestapo avec… le gaspacho

Une élue républicaine coutumière des controverses, Marjorie Taylor Greene, s’est retrouvée mercredi 9 février tournée en dérision sur Internet pour avoir commis la veille une belle bourde à l’antenne de One America News Network : alors qu’elle prenait la parole dans l’émission “Real America” de cette chaîne très conservatrice, cette représentante de l’Etat de Géorgie a dénoncé la soi-disant police “gaspacho” de Nancy Pelosi, confondant…

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