Category: Yale School of Management

Yale´s SSRN Paper ‘Business Retreats and Sanctions Are Crippling the Russian Economy’ Breaks Records

Yale´s SSRN Paper ‘Business Retreats and Sanctions Are Crippling the Russian Economy‘ Breaks Records NEW YORK ( – No, we are not losing the information war, even the term ‘objectivity’ has been redefined by Kremlin-loyal media in the West in typical fashion to conform to fascistic Neo-Bolshevik requirements of the Putin regime. Now in this information war, the big question is not whether we are…

How the Russian Oil Price Cap Will Work

How the Russian Oil Price Cap Will Work NEW YORK ( — Last week’s bold announcement by the G-7 of a price cap on purchases of Russian oil has met with skepticism and ridicule from media commentators and pundits. Following months of planning, the oil price cap is a bid to limit the Kremlin’s earnings on exports of its most important commodity and reduce financial…

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