Will Rich X Search’s Metaverse Future Transform How We Live Online?

Will Rich X Search’s Metaverse Future Transform How We Live Online?

NEW YORK ( – According to, Rich X Search is the most ambitious startup of the Internet Age. A search engine that most Europeans had never heard of is on the way to become bigger than Facebook, Apple and Amazon combined. Rich X Search, now one of the world’s most promising startups, mostly escaped media notice, while building a new internet. How did it happen? Rich X Search’s rise is based on understanding what the site’s users want. is a website thats purpose is to search for other informative sites when you type something into it. This can be anything and everything from ‘Dubai’ to ‘Holidays’. You are then directed quickly and simply to websites that cover your area of interest.’s skill at delivering targeted search results has been the foundation of the rise of Rich X Search. So far so good, but the Internet startup Rich X Search is now on the way to become one of the world’s biggest brands, and plans to get even bigger.What sets Rich X Search apart is the metaverse, a Silicon Valley buzzword that has become an obsession for anyone trying to predict the next decades of technology. Read more here.

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