Timeline of Moses? Can We Pray for the Dead? Is Country Living Biblical? & More | 3ABN Bible Q &...

See full list of questions in the description. This week with Greg Morikone, Shelley Quinn, Ryan Day, and James Rafferty.

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1. Would Q&A please break down the age of Moses in comparison with the phases of his ministry to the children of Israel, please? I am confused about how long they wandered in the wilderness. Was Moses 40 years old when he left Egypt, spent 40 years in Midian, and 40 years in the wilderness or 80 years in the wilderness? I ask because they failed with the 10 spies and had to go back to the wilderness and then went back after that generation died. I just get confused with the timeline. Please explain.
2. At the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus, the wicked are asking for rocks to fall on them.  What eventually happens to them? Do they go back to the grave to await their master, who after 1000 years comes out and tries to take the new Jerusalem? 

3. My son suddenly passed away two years ago and it’s been devastating. I am very worried about his salvation so I pray to God to have mercy on him. In Exodus 33:19 the Lord said, and this is God speaking “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy”. My nephew goes to a Pentecost church and claims to speak in tongues and said to me that when people die they go to heaven or to hell right away and that me praying for my son it is equal to doing witchcraft. I disagree, but is there anything you can tell me about it?

4. The book of James says we ought to confess our sins to one another. Would that read better as confess our faults to each other as our sins are to be confessed to God and God alone?

5. Do you guys think it’s wrong to excommunicate sinful people from the church? Therefore if we follow the Holy Bible and the examples of Jesus Christ, shouldn’t the church follow the Biblical truth and let the Lord Jesus Christ do the sifting and gathering? Why do churches put guilt, shame, and condemnation on the people who are already spiritually lacking?

6. Am I sinning if I don’t take part in the foot-washing but in the bread and grape juice? I don’t mind washing someone’s feet but I am embarrassed to let anyone see mine.

7. Satan was cast out of heaven to earth before Adam and Eve were created but it says woe to the inhabitants of the Earth. Who was dwelling on Earth at this time? They said this was at a different time. A different time before God created the earth? What does that mean” a different time”? I heard this on Salvation, Symbols, and Signs #50 at the 16-minute mark. It would be great if James could answer this since he was teaching this. Thank you. He referenced John 12:31-32.

8. We know that every eye shall see Jesus when He returns, but for those that crucified Him, will there be a special resurrection or will they rise with those in the FIRST one in order to see Christ actually come and then go back to the grave to awake with the wicked?

9. In Exodus 33:11 Moses spoke to God face to face. Genesis 32:30 “For I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved”. Then Exodus 33:20, 22 “No man has seen my face and lived”. Which is the truth? Did people see God and lived?

10. Is moving out to the country biblical? Is off-grid living necessary? I have noticed many Adventist looking for land that is off-grid vs country living. Won’t we have to flee to the mountains anyways during the great time of trouble and rely on God regardless of how self-sufficient our home is in the country?
11. I see many of the churches today dealing with spiritual warfare. Does the SDA church help people who are being afflicted via witchcraft?

12. I’m confused by the way the concept of “spirit” is used in the Bible. In Genesis 2:7, the breath that God breathed into man is referred to as the spirit. When I read Galatians 5:18 it talks about being led by the Spirit. When I saw “Spirit” capitalized I thought this was referring to the Holy Spirit. Interestingly, when I looked up the Greek word for “Spirit” in this text in Galatians it said it’s “pneuma” which means breath. That confused me. So how can “breath” Lead us? Whenever “spirit” is mentioned in the Bible (if it is not referring to the Holy Spirit) does it always mean “breath”?


Episode 51










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