Tag: Inside

Why are farmers in the Netherlands angry? | Inside Story

Farmers in the Netherlands are angry They’re rejecting laws that regulate emissions produced by livestock, but will have a major impact on the farming community and the larger economy. The Netherlands has failed to meet its emissions reduction targets – so permits for new homes and roads have not been granted since 2019, to prevent further pollution. And the government has introduced tough new rules….

Will NATO's new strategic concept work? | Inside Story

Russia is the most direct and significant threat to peace and security in the western world. That’s NATO’s latest security assessment of Moscow. It was disclosed during a crucial summit in Madrid. The alliance’s members endorsed a more aggressive stance than the last time they agreed on strategy in 2010. And NATO leaders voiced concern about the threat they see China posing in the future….

What's the real impact of internet shutdowns? | Inside Story

The internet and other communication tools have become a crucial part of our everyday lives. But what happens when governments shut them down…or impose severe restrictions? A report by the UN Human Rights Office says those actions have severe consequences and their impact has been ‘vastly underestimated’. It says the impact of such action has had a negative effect on people’s lives. So, what should…

What's behind the sharp drop in Bitcoin's value? | Inside Story

The crypto gold rush is going through another dip – but this time it’s gone so low it may not stop. Many digital currencies have seen their value reach zero. That’s knocked a lot of confidence out of the market, creating a domino effect reaching all the way to the top. The mother of them all, Bitcoin, is in trouble. Two major trading platforms have…

How much influence does BRICS wield on the world stage? | Inside Story

The world’s top five emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – are holding their annual summit virtually. The meeting is taking place against a complex geopolitical backdrop. From the war in Ukraine and trade disputes between China and the U-S, to a global economy trying to recover from the fallout of Covid-19. Chinese President Xi Jinping – who’s hosting this year’s…

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