✅ "Fox News does it again! We expect this from CNN and others…! Wonder why Fox keeps suppressing

✅  "Fox News does it again! We expect this from CNN and others…! Wonder why Fox keeps suppressing

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✍  MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell criticized Fox News on Tuesday, accusing them of suppressing evidence of election fraud, after the news network cut away from President Donald Trump speaking in Georgia to conduct an interview. “Fox News does it again! We expect this from CNN and others…! Wonder why Fox keeps suppressing the evidence and election fraud!” Lindell, an ally of Trump, wrote in a tweet, responding to Jenn Pellegrino of One America News, who pointed out the network cutting away from Trump. Lindell’s comments were referring to a point during Fox News’ Hannity on Monday night, where Trump was shown speaking to supporters in Dalton, Georgia, in an effort to help Republican incumbents Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, one day prior to the Senate runoffs. Prior to the network cutting away, Trump was speaking about the 2020 election and criticizing the results. “You know I was leading in Pennsylvania by hundreds of thousands of votes, all of a sudden I was tied, I said ‘what happened?’, …
💖 #US, #News, #mikelindell, #DonaldTrump, #2020Election

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