Tag: Newsnight

The Iraq invasion and its consequences, with 20 years of hindsight – BBC Newsnight

It’s 20 years since US and British forces invaded Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. The then US Secretary of State Colin Powell declared the time for diplomacy over, British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook resigned, and the second UN resolution authorising force was withdrawn. George W Bush, who was then president of the US, issued a 48-hour ultimatum to Saddam to leave Iraq or face war. What followed…

Ombudsman sceptical about ‘transparency’ of investigations into NHS trust – BBC Newsnight

For the past six months, Newsnight has been investigating allegations of a “toxic, mafia-like” culture at one of the country’s biggest hospital trusts. In a number of films over that time we’ve spoken to serving and former clinicians, whistle blowers and have heard from those who claim to have been punished for raising patient safety concerns – an accusation the Trust in question, University Hospitals…

What do we know about the Covid-19 lab leak theory? – BBC Newsnight

The origin of Covid-19 still eludes the scientific community, but the FBI’s assertion that Covid-19 most likely originated in a Chinese government-controlled lab has ramped up the debate.    The FBI’s position runs contrary to some other US government agencies, some of whom have said, with a low level of certainty, that the virus did not start in a lab but instead jumped from animals…

The Iranian protester who escaped his execution – BBC Newsnight

Since the “Women Life Freedom” protests erupted in September last year, 500 young protesters have died, and as many as 20,000 young women and men have been injured and or detained by Iran’s Security forces. The BBC believes hundreds are still in jail.    Earlier this year, Newsnight reported that many injured prisoners have been kept in dire conditions and that prison authorities refuse to…

Far-right nationalists protest against housing refugees in Skegness hotels – BBC Newsnight

The issue of how to house those who arrive in the UK on small boats in order to claim asylum is becoming more acute as the numbers arriving increase.  Where more permanent accommodation is unavailable, Home Office policy is to house them in hotels around the country, at a cost of approximately £4.7 million a day. With public services in many of the towns they…

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