Tag: change

Will Russia's Kherson withdrawal change the Ukraine war? | Inside Story

Russia has pulled out of Kherson, the only major city captured in nearly nine months of war in Ukraine. After weeks of Ukrainian advances, Russia’s military withdrew 30,000 soldiers to the east of the Dnipro river. The Kremlin had only annexed the region six weeks earlier in a move condemned internationally. Ukraine’s president called the recapture a ‘historic day’. How might this change military strategies…

Climate change: The place on Earth heating fastest – BBC News

Svalbard in the Arctic Circle is estimated to be heating at six times the global average. The consensus is that the temperature in Svalbard has jumped 4C in the past 50 years. Since the 1980s, the amount of summer sea ice has halved and some scientists fear it will be gone altogether by 2035. Wildlife and human life are now in a struggle to survive….

Reverse climate change or “we are doomed” warns United Nations

Countries must prioritise tackling climate change or the world faces catastrophe. That warning comes from the head of the United Nations, António Guterres, who was speaking to the BBC in New York, before a major climate conference in Egypt. Mr Guterres warned of a tendency to put climate change on the back burner and said that if we are not able to reverse the present…

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