Tag: blast

Three explosions hit Shevchenkivskyi district of Ukraine's capital Kyiv

Three explosions hit central Shevchenkivskyi district of Ukraine’s capital Kyiv on Monday morning. Kyiv’s Mayor Vitali Klitschko confirmed the blasts that have targeted the capital’s centre. The head of Ukraine’s presidential office says capital Kyiv has been hit with Kamikaze drones. Subscribe to our channel: Follow us on Twitter: Find us on Facebook: Check our website: Check out our Instagram page:…

Multiple explosions heard in Ukraine capital Kyiv – BBC News

Multiple explosions have been heard in Ukraine’s capital Kyiv, in the first strikes in the city for many months. At least two explosions were heard in central Kyiv shortly after 08:00 local time (06:00 BST). The apparent strikes on the city come two days after the only bridge linking Russia with occupied Crimea was damaged in a blast. Please subscribe HERE #Russia #Ukraine #BBCNews

Russian forces targets residential areas in Zaporizhzhia overnight

Ukraine says Russian forces targeted residential areas in Zaporizhzhia overnight. At least 12 people have been killed in Russian shelling of Zaporizhzhia. Attack on city of Zaporizhzhia comes hours after an explosion collapsed part of Russia-Crimea bridge. Russian divers to examine damage caused by powerful blast on road-and-rail bridge. Subscribe to our channel: Follow us on Twitter: Find us on Facebook: Check…

Putin accuses Ukraine of Crimea bridge blast ‘terrorism’

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Ukraine of being behind the Kerch bridge explosion, masterminding an “act of terrorism” that destroyed part of the crucial link between Russia and the annexed territory of Crimea, as calls grow for reprisals. The bridge, which holds important strategic and symbolic value to Russia, was partly damaged on Saturday by what Moscow has said was a truck bomb. Road…

Crimea bridge partly reopens after huge explosion, Russia says – BBC News

Light traffic has resumed on Russia’s only bridge to Crimea, following a huge blast brought down sections of the roadway. The blast on Europe’s longest bridge – a symbol of Russia’s annexation of the peninsula from Ukraine in 2014 – killed three people, Russian investigators said. Russia’s foreign ministry published a video on Saturday, seemingly showing cars using the bridge. President Vladimir Putin has now…

LATEST UPDATES: Rus­sia says truck blast par­tial­ly de­stroys key bridge to Crimea

Moscow says parts of a vital road and rail bridge linking Russia to Crimea have been partially destroyed in a truck explosion in a blow to the Kremlin’s war efforts in Ukraine. The Kerch bridge is a key supply line for the Russian troops fighting in eastern Ukraine. Subscribe to our channel: Follow us on Twitter: Find us on Facebook: Check our…

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