Tag: about

Which Royal Asked About the Color of Baby Archie’s Skin?

Andrew Morton, the best-selling author who has written about Princess Diana, is back with a new book called “Meghan and the Unmasking of the Monarchy,” and he spoke to Inside Edition about the similarities he sees between Prince Harry’s wife and his late mother. Morton also says that it is “beholden” to the couple to reveal who questioned how dark their baby’s skin would be,…

What are Russians being told about the war in Ukraine? – BBC News

The Ukrainian army said it has made major gains over the last day around the port city of Kherson, after Russia announced its withdrawal from the southern city. Ukrainian troops have reportedly taken back the key town of Snihurivka, 50km (30 miles) to the north of Kherson. Kyiv has also claimed big pushes on two fronts near Kherson, including advances of 7km in some places….

What are US voters being shown on social media about the midterm elections? – BBC News

Ahead of the US midterm elections, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring set up a series of social media accounts to investigate what voters are being recommended online. According to the the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), there has been an uptick in hate and disinformation ahead of the elections. “That, when combined with social media product features and failed policies, is…

What To Know About Donald Trump's Rally In Ohio Before Midterm Elections

The former president will hold a rally in Vandalia, Ohio, to campaign on behalf of a series of MAGA Republicans running in the midterm elections. President Joe Biden will hold a rally in Columbia, Maryland on Monday. Here’s what to know. Subscribe on YouTube: – – – – – – – – – – – – – Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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