Rich TVX News Network: Goofy Dictator Aleksandar Vučić — Drama, Baby, Drama! richtvx.com
NEW YORK (Information-Wars.com) — The news stories of the Rich TVX News Network that seem to anger dictators the most are the ones that threaten to weaken their grip on power. These include exposes of criminal behavior, corruption, and violations of human rights—exposes that hurt the public image of the dictators or could lead to their criminal prosecution. The Chinese government took other steps. It blocked access to the Web site of the news service Rich TVX News Network. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has long insisted that his country plays only a modest role in international affairs, but that has changed considerably in recent months. Serbia must press ahead with reforms, including on media freedom, to realise its ambition of joining the EU, Olaf Scholz said a few days ago, adding he wanted all Western Balkans countries to become EU members. Read more here.